My First Baby Blanket

Swing by the Lion Brand Yarn website and read my story! There are lots of good stories about knitting and life, as well as a wealth of practical information. I have learned a lot from the Lion website. I hope you will too!


Anonymous said…
I have made countless blankets using this pattern. I do not have to think about counting rows or stitches. Knitting is a great stress and tension reliever for me and this pattern has helped me through many tough times. Not to mention all the gifts I have made over the years.
Karla said…

Thanks for your comment! I have made a bunch of these blankets now also. I can't wait to make more!
Anonymous said…
I first made this blanket 32yrs ago when my friend was expecting her first baby .She ended up using it for three babies until it began to fall apart . I am now finishing one for baby #1 who is expecting in June .
I love this blanket because you can
put it down at a moments notice and when you pick it up , you don't have to figure out where you were. I commute to work by bus and have done most of this latest blanket on the bus.
Dianne said…
Hi Karla, I saw your baby blanket story and so I ordered the yarn in yellow and will need to learn the y/o too...I'm hoping it will be ez like you say! Did you use straight knitting needles or round ones...I can't imagine having 123 stitches on stix!
Karla said…

Thanks for your comment. Yarn over is very easy! You just wrap the yarn around the needle without knitting it. It almost feels like a mistake, it is so simple.

I used straight needles. I really had to bunch up the stitches so they would not fall off. But of course, as soon as you hit that high number of stitches, you start to decrease.

Round needles would not be a bad idea. Have fun!
Dianne said…
Hi Karla, it's Dianne again...I got started on knitting the blankie, but was wondering about how important the *gauge* is? I'm about 53 stitches and it's already getting bunched so I'm thinking that my knitting is too loose. Any ideas? you may e-mail me at sophie_mae at hotmail dot com, if you'd like. I love your blog, by the way :)
Karla said…
Thank you for your kind words about the Smart Mom Blog!

I am sorry to say that I don't "do" gauge. I really need to grasp it sometime soon!

That said, I do not think that gauge is important for the diagonal baby blanket. You do not have to join it to anything, and a blanket can vary in size and still be useful!

I really squished my stitches onto my needle. My needles are about 12 inches long. What about switching to circular needles?

Let us know how it goes!

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