Camping 101: Syllabus

As a novice camper, I learned a lot from the internet. I also checked out children’s books on camping from the library. When I need to learn something quickly, I read children's books on the subject! Oh, and the kids like reading them too. Tips on everything from cooking to choosing a sleeping bag. Includes beautiful photos that campers have taken.

Trouble-free Travel with Children by Vicki Lansky
If there is one book you should read about traveling with children, this is it! If there were a Smart Mom Book Award, Lansky gets it.

Camping basics from Family Fun magazine.

Family and Home Network Campy ideas from an organization that advocates strong families.

A camping book list from

Focus on the Family guides parents through camping.

Please let me know if you find any of these resources helpful.

Happy camping!


Anonymous said…
Even as a seasoned camper, you have provided me with some great information. I am always on the lookout for new recipes and activities. Thanks
Karla said…
I am so happy that the information was useul to you. Thanks for leaving your comment!


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