The Bible is full of smart moms!

This is from a bookmark that I was recently given.

Can you believe that Jesus' first appearance after his resurrection was to women? (Mathhew 28:9)

Can you believe that the first evangelists were women? (Luke 24:9, 10)

Can you believe that the first convert in Europe was a woman--Lydia, dealer in purple cloth? (Acts 16:14)

Can you believe that 189 women's names are mentioned in the Bible?

Can you believe that 17 occupations for women are listed in the Bible?

Can you believe that the only judge of Isreal who was both a prophetess and a great military strategist was a woman--Deborah?

From Women's Ministry Department, General Council of the Assemblies of God.


batgirl said…
Woo hoo! Hear me ROAR!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Janet-Jesus was ahead of his times-who need women's lib with Jesus?
Another use for plastic out the refridgerator-especially the science projects in the back!!!

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