Liberty Day

We attended Liberty Day yesterday and had a wonderful time! I just learned about this national event a couple of weeks ago. On March 16, in honor of James Madison's birthday, students all over the nation can visit their state's legislative offices. They get special Liberty Day Kids t-shirts to wear and a tote bag full of copies of the U.S. Constitution and stickers. The lake of red t-shirts fans out and, with their families, approaches employees with questions about the Constitution. The questions (and answers!) are provided by the Liberty Day folks. Those state employees answering correctly get a sticker! Those who bomb get a copy of the Constitution to study for next year. At first the folks we approached seemed disinterested, but then it became fun for the employees to see who got a sticker and who didn't!

I think my children learned a lot. They learned how to approach people politley and be friendly. They learned about the U.S. Constitution! We have never studied it, but in those couple of hours they learned some of the most important things about the document, like the five rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and the qualifications to become a senator. Even my one child who did not talk to anyone the entire day was quizzing all of us on the Constitution on the way home!

Thank you to Liberty and the Family Resource Center in New England for organizing this event and making it free! My children and I each enjoyed different aspects of the experience: Talking to the employees at our state Legislative Office Building, the beautiful architecture, even meeting two guide dogs in the Legislative Office Building!

We also had the chance to tour the state Capitol buildings. Our tour guide was excellent and made the place come alive. She was animated, very well-informed and we could tell that she loved what she did. The tour was the perfect way for us to learn history AND the legislative process!


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