Plastic Bags 101

Or, 101 Uses for Plastic Bags.

Okay, maybe I haven't thought of 101 uses yet, but if all you smart folks out there post your ideas, we may come close!

Last night, as I was leaving my favorite Stuff Mart, I spied the large plastic-bag-recycling recepticle. Dargh! I think it is a great idea to recycle the masses of plastic shopping bags that we accumulate. The problem is, I NEVER remember to do it!

I am ashamed to admit that in our house we have even thrown away bundles of plastic bags--in the regular garbage. I know, it is one of the seven thrifty sins. Plastic shopping bags multiply exponentially. You can't have them taking over your house. But there are many smart uses for them. Here are some ways to master the plastic bag excess. (Remember, they serve you; you do not serve them!)

1. Recycle. Write a note on your grocery list to bring them when you go shopping. Stuff them in the recepticle provided.

2. Re-use. Do like the Europeans. Bring a bundle of bags from home when you shop. Bag your items in them and then you will not bring more bags home.

3. Do you own a dog? Since we got a dog, our plastic bag collection has dwindled. (Yay!) Stuff a bag in every coat pocket to pick up after your dog when you take walks. Use them to pick up after your dog in your own yard.

4. Travel. Plastic shopping bags compress to take up very little space. (So do down comforters, by the way. . .I feel another essay coming on.) Bring them on the road for, well, all of the uses on this list!

5. Laundry. Each family member can have a bag for his or her own dirty laundry. Use several to separate wet items or colors!

6. Garbage. Duh. I like to use the white bags for garbage can liners in the bathroom and bedrooms. You can also stuff a few in the bottom of the can to be ready for the next time you need a new bag!

7. Work-out clothes.

8. Swim gear and bathing suits.

9. To hold treasures from hikes or beach walks.

10. My sister uses them instead of packing peanuts when she mails us presents!

11. Diapers.

12. Other messy kid accidents.

13. To safely carry things up and down stairs. Only need one hand! Great for kids who want to carry toys everywhere. (Obviously, teach children NEVER to put plastic bags near their faces!) And for grown-ups who are having trouble with stairs for health reasons.

14. Library books. Keep them together and keep them dry. This could help us save money in overdue fines!

15. Chicken garbage. When cooking, you can put chicken packaging or other offensive food garbage in its very own bag. Tie it up and outside it goes!

16. So far, the thing that has put the biggest dent in our plastic bag population has been using them to distribute Girl Scout cookies.




batgirl said…
This is great Karla. I used to have a big list of uses for bread bags. They are just the right size for diapers, dog doo (hmm, we both have post that mention dog doo today), and such. I like to put packages of meat into a plastic bag before putting in the freezer. It adds extra protection against freezer burn. Great to bring camping too. We always use grocery bags as garbage bags in little bathroom wastebasket and to clean out van garbage.
Anonymous said…
thanks for the insite Karla! of course while we're delving into gross subjects(Janet!!)how about a barf bag-especially when we are traveling! If you go to Target-they list 10 uses on the side of the bag-imagine the store recommending how to reuse the bag. We could all be like the Europeans and bring our own-
Karla said…
Janet and Alisa,

You have bagged some great ideas. Thanks for sharing!

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