Moving Movies

Film is a controversial medium. Some denominations have even taught their congregations to not only refrain from smoking and drinking, but from going to the movies as well! There certainly is an awful lot of junk out there in the film world. I also personally hate television.

But I believe that film is a legitimate artform. Also, child education folks say that the best way to monitor what your children are watching is to only use hand-picked videos. There are some films with redeeming value. They make us think and feel. They make us ask questions and talk to each other. That is why we signed up with Netflix.

With this on-line DVD service we choose our films and they are mailed directly to our home. Blockbuster has a similar service. For a fee, you choose a certain number of movies to be sent to your home at a time. When you return the films, they send you the next titles in your queue.

The really fun part is setting up your queue. Ever have a friend recommend a great movie, then forget the title when you finally get to the video store? Just add it to your on-line movie list instead! You can check the summary, rating and number of stars the movie got. The movie service also recommends films. Their computer notices what genres you tend to select (scary!) and makes recommendations accordingly. Always double check these tips, though. You want to know what you are getting before you add it to your list!

Just about any film on DVD is available. That means you can get documentaries, foreign, art and Christian films. The children can request as many movies as they want (as long as they are parent-approved). We just add them to the queue and they are automatically rationed out!

Another benefit of an on-line film service is that no one has to brave the video store. In our house it seemed everyone wanted to watch a movie, but no one wanted to go pick it up. The title we wanted was usually out. Plus, whoever martyred him- or herself to make the trip got slimed by the nasty movies all over the store. This way, the movie comes to us and it is one we checked into and know that we want to see.

Smart moms can also find a plethora of videos at the local library! Sometimes there is a nominal fee, but the library is a wonderful resource for educational and fun videos. Plus, it is safe to bring your children there.

If you view my profile, you will find a list of some of the movies that I like.

Post a comment and let us know what smart movies you have seen lately!


batgirl said…
Thanks for the good info. I owe Blockbuster money for late fees. This might be a good idea for me.

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